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Dragon quest 8 3ds roulette guide

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Otherwise, just enjoy the world and explore frequently. Having Angelo at 30 changes that boss significantly. You'll almost certainly know it when you get there. There's a mid-game boss that usually serves as the 'yeah, you need some healing options' check. Jessica does really well with whips when you get her, and Angelo can restore MP - a huge boon - with bow skills. It's a long game, so it'll be a bit before you fill out your full party of four. Just have one in the bag and use it as a basic attack. I wouldn't spend points on the boomerang tree, personally. I tend to have Hero go mixed Sword/Spear, as swords give you some great utility options (Falcon Slash and Miracle Sword in particular) while spears let you get in on the slime hunting as well. So it's not a bad thing for him to specialize in. Axes are also where Yangus can become a metal slime hunter via Hatchet Man and Executioner. You're going to be using Helm Splitter (Yangus' early axe attack) a lot throughout the game to consistently drop enemy defense. There are a few basic skills that can really help in the long run.

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